We are Virtual Decisions.

Virtual Decisions

Reduce trauma and save lives.
Decision-led VR that changes behaviour.

Some decisions can quite literally be the difference between life and death. Sometimes we only get to see the consequences of difficult decisions when it is too late and with a huge impact on people’s lives. 

What if a solution existed that enabled people to experience scenarios in a virtual world where there were no risks when making complex choices?

Welcome to Virtual Decisions. 

Virtual Decisions create immersive and highly-engaging VR experiences that allow you to control real-life scenarios and navigate consequences in safe simulation.

Seeing the consequences of difficult decisions play out in a virtual environment empowers people to make the right choices when it counts in the real world. 

Saving lives, reducing risk and improving outcomes for everyone involved.

“It teaches you a life lesson. You’re not just reading about it or listening to someone talk about it. You’re living it. You’re actually there. You can’t teach that [with traditional methods].”

Virtual Decisions Participant

Virtual Decisions

It’s time for people to choose their own path.

Traditional methods fail to engage audiences. You get your clipboard, worksheets and forms out. They put their barriers up. And if there is no engagement, there’s no change in behaviour or outcomes.

So we’re using human-centred tech and virtual reality to help people choose their own path, putting them in charge of their own decisions. So they can see first-hand how their actions play out from the safety of a VR headset.

Get involved

The reoffending rate for those who went through Virtual Decisions on Out of Court Disposal sessions has significantly reduced to 21%.

Birmingham Youth Offending Service
Virtual Decisions

We can help you to...

Increase engagement

Reduce negative outcomes

Open up productive conversations